How to Improve Thyroid Function

how to improve thyroid function

Thyroid issues tend to be a constant source of frustration for many patients. Some people have been dealing with thyroid for many years and have it dialed in. Others have constant symptoms of low thyroid and are frustrated by the options available.

The experts at The James Clinic are here to help! We don’t just look at a number on a paper to determine who needs thyroid medication and at what dose. Being aware of your symptoms and considering how you feel every day is critical.

Improve your thyroid function by following our 5 tips!

#1. Get a Full Panel of Labs

Many docs check only one or two parameters. We check a full thyroid panel. This includes:

  • TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone),
  • free T3 (triiodothyronine),
  • free T4 (thyroxine),
  • reverse T3,
  • and thyroid antibodies.

#2. Take a Thyroid Support Supplement

If you are missing a key ingredient for a cookie recipe, you can’t make them properly.

In the same way, bodies need certain nutrients to combine together like a recipe to make thyroid hormones. A deficiency in any of these nutrients will lower your thyroid production. For severe nutrient deficiencies, IV therapy can increase levels quickly.

#3.  Understand Where Your Thyroid Needs Improvement

Know how to improve your thyroid health. We’ll see:

  • if your thyroid not making enough T4,
  • if your body not activating it to T3,
  • if you making too much reverse T3 and this is slowing your metabolism,
  • and more!

That way, you’ll understand what is happening and the next steps to take.

#4. Know Your Symptoms

It’s important to be aware of your symptoms.

Hypothyroidism, also known as underactive thyroid, happens when the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. This slows down metabolism. Symptoms include:

  • coarse hair and skin,
  • constipation,
  • depression,
  • dry skin,
  • fatigue,
  • forgetfulness,
  • hoarse voice,
  • increased cholesterol levels,
  • memory problems,
  • more sensitivity to cold,
  • muscle aches,
  • muscle weakness,
  • thinning hair,
  • and weight gain.

Hyperthyroidism, also called overactive thyroid, happens when the thyroid gland makes too much thyroid hormone. This speeds up the body’s metabolism. Symptoms include:

  • bulging of the eyes (Graves’ disease),
  • diarrhea and more frequent bowel movements,
  • nervousness,
  • hair loss and fine, brittle hair,
  • increased appetite,
  • more sensitivity to heat,
  • menstrual changes,
  • muscle weakness,
  • rapid heartbeat (palpitations),
  • sleep problems,
  • an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter),
  • warm and moist skin,
  • and weight loss.

#5. Implement an Integrative Approach

Have an integrative approach to treating your thyroid condition.

The thyroid does not act alone. It works in tandem with adrenal glands, which produce hormones that help to regulate your blood pressure, immune system, metabolism, response to stress, and other essential functions. When you encounter stress, the glands release cortisol.

You need adequate vitamin D and magnesium and efficient liver function for the thyroid to function at its best. We recommend gluten-free diets for patients with autoimmune thyroid issues.

Reach Out to The James Clinic

As you can see, thyroid issues are not diagnosed with one lab test or simply treated with a yearly prescription. At The James Clinic, we listen to our patients and make recommendations for improving thyroid function.

We make getting care easy. Reach out to our team, get 12 months of high-quality and convenient care with our membership, and take back your health.

Are you ready to get started? Request a consultation today!