Extracorporeal Blood Ozone & Oxygenation


Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO) is an advanced therapy that enhances your blood outside the body to boost its therapeutic potential. It is well-established in addressing chronic infections, autoimmune diseases, and conditions associated with poor blood circulation. By using ozone, a powerful oxygen molecule, EBOO helps: 

  • Act as a potent disinfectant
  • Boost the immune system
  • Reduce inflammation

This therapy helps improve current health conditions and prevents future issues by maintaining optimal blood health. By thoroughly cleansing and revitalizing your blood, EBOO enhances oxygen delivery to tissues, strengthens the immune system, and promotes healing.

Why it's done

Your blood needs to be free of impurities to function at its best. When toxins or other harmful substances are present, your body requires enhanced cleansing to restore its natural balance. EBOO works by thoroughly oxygenating and ozonating your blood outside the body, helping to detoxify and revitalize it. This process not only boosts oxygen delivery to your tissues but also enhances overall cellular function and supports the immune system.

EBOO is showing promise across a range of medical conditions, thanks to its diverse therapeutic capabilities:

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Lyme disease
  • Rhuematoid arthritis
  • Alzhemier’s
  • Cancer support
  • Chronic infections
  • Autoimmune regulation
  • Surgical applications
  • Overall longevity and anti-aging

Additionally, there are many longevity and wellness benefits by calming the central nervous system, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality. It detoxifies the body by eliminating toxins and environmental pollutants, strengthens the immune system, and increases energy levels. Additionally, this therapy supports anti-aging by enhancing cellular health, blood flow, and circulation.


Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation  is generally a safe procedure, but as with any medical treatment, it carries some risks. Potential risks include:

  • Discomfort or bruising at the injection site.
  • Temporary weakness, dizziness, or nausea.
  • Rare risks like allergic reactions, infection, or blood clotting issues.
  • Extremely rare but serious risks such as anaphylaxis or cardiac complications.

Your healthcare provider will discuss these risks with you and monitor you closely to ensure the procedure is as safe as possible.

How you prepare

Have a balanced meal 1-2 hours beforehand, drink plenty of fluids with electrolytes, and avoid alcohol 24 hours prior. Wear comfortable clothing with loose sleeves for easy access to your arms, and make sure to use the restroom before the session. 

Additionally, avoid antioxidant supplements, smoking, and take any medications 4-6 hours before treatment. Taking a baby aspirin on the morning of your session can also help ensure smooth blood flow during the procedure.

What you can expect

During treatment

A patient receives an Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation treatment, which includes cycling their blood out of one arm through a dialysis filter and back into the other arm.

Patient receiving treatment

During an EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation) treatment at The James Clinic, the process typically lasts 60 to 75 minutes and involves three main steps:

  • Blood withdrawal: Blood is drawn via an IV and passes through an advanced filtration system.
  • Ozonation and UV exposure: The filtered blood is mixed with medical-grade ozone and exposed to UV light, activating the ozone molecules.
  • Readministration: The ozonated blood is returned to the body through a second vein.

For your safety and comfort, we use size 24 needles. Our team is available to address any concerns you may have. During the treatment  you may be monitored for vital signs to ensure everything proceeds smoothly.

After treatment

Some patients feel a boost in energy, mental clarity, and pain relief, while others might experience mild discomfort like lethargy or achiness. Some may not notice any immediate change. If you don’t feel 100%, focus on rest and eating nutrient-dense meals.

Eat light for the rest of the day, drink plenty of water, and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours. Leave the bandage on for four to five hours, and avoid antioxidants like vitamin C, as they can interfere with the treatment.


Patients often experience significant health benefits such as enhanced digestive health, improved mental clarity, reduced inflammation and pain, increased energy, and better immune function. The treatment also aids in detoxification, reduces oxidative stress, and promotes stem cell activation for tissue repair and regeneration. 

To achieve the best results, a series of 3 to 10 treatments is typically recommended, depending on your specific health needs and goals.

Frequently asked questions

We have the information you need about our EBOO treatments and the common questions we answer for our patients.

EBOO therapy begins with a simple venipuncture in one arm, allowing your blood to flow through a tube into a specialized machine. Here, the blood undergoes filtration and ozonation. After this process, the treated blood is returned to your body through a second venipuncture in the other arm.

The effectiveness of EBOO therapy lies in its dual action of ozonation and filtration. The entire procedure typically takes about one to two hours.

The number of treatments required varies based on your specific condition and how you respond to the therapy. Generally, patients start with weekly sessions for the first month, followed by maintenance sessions or additional cycles every 3-4 months.

EBOO treatment generally takes about one hour to complete. However, the exact duration can vary based on individual patient needs and specific treatment protocols. Your healthcare provider will give you a more precise estimate based on your personal treatment plan.

During EBOO treatment, various cellular by-products are filtered into a collection cup. These by-products can include cellular debris and other substances generated during the ozonation and filtration process. While there are claims that these filtered materials may contain heavy metals, microplastics, and parasites, current research is still investigating the exact composition of these by-products.

The contents and appearance of the filtered materials can vary significantly between patients and even between different sessions for the same patient. Despite the ongoing research, our primary focus remains on monitoring and evaluating your overall response to the treatment, ensuring that the benefits, such as improved immune function and reduced inflammation, are realized.

The James Clinic medical team is deploying to North Carolina to provide critical aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

We have established a Venmo where 100% of the donations will go directly to support those without access to medical care. Please consider donating and praying for these families.